
Second floor - Contemporary Art Gallery

Civic Museums of Palazzo Pianetti

 The second floor of Palazzo Pianetti, which was originally designed to host the family’s everyday life, was thoroughly refurbished by Architect Angelo Angelucci at the end of the 1850s, for the wedding of Vincenzo Pianetti and Virginia Azzolino. 

In the following decades, up to when the whole Palazzo was sold to the Tesei family in 1901, the building underwent several changes both in terms of the distribution of the rooms and of their decoration, to the extent that it is now difficult to accurately reconstruct the historic evolution that has given the rooms the appearance they have today.

Nonetheless, we can point out two different approaches in the decoration: in the rooms overlooking the street, the frescoes are more recent than those in the rooms overlooking the garden. Indeed, the former feature Renaissance themes that were probably painted later, in the post-unification period, while the following suite of rooms featuring marine scenes, cupids and grotesque figures, revisited according to the 19th century style, were painted during the early phases of the restructuring work on these rooms.

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