
Jesi was the first municipality in Italy to apply the Art Bonus decree in 2014 with the restoration of the wooden support of Lorenzo Lotto's Deposition. This virtuous path continues as with City Council resolution no. 315 of 29/11/2022 the municipality approved the fifth list of assets subject to liberal donations through the Art Bonus system including the restoration of Lorenzo Lotto's Visitation preserved at the Pinacoteca Civica di Jesi.

This new project was made possible partly with its own funds and partly thanks to two Art Bonus donations respectively from Intesa SanPaolo and TreValli Cooperlat of Jesi who believed in the protection and enhancement of the national cultural heritage, the "Visitation" being a capital work by the Venetian Renaissance master and confirmed with this act of patronage their sensitivity and commitment to the cultural sector.

The restoration was carried out by Prof. Francesca Pappagallo under the direction of Dr. Tommaso Castaldi, an official of SABAP of Ancona and Pesaro Urbino, and Dr. Romina Quarchioni, director of the Civic Museums of Jesi.

Curated by

Musei Civici di Jesi


Palazzo Pianetti - Jesi (AN)

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